Postdoctoral researcher, master’s researcher, other researcher, and technical staff recruitment information
We are always looking for and accepting postdoctoral researchers, master’s researchers, and other researchers and technicians.Long-term and short-term positions are available.If you are interested, please feel free to contact us at kitaoka@tut.jp. 2023/11/15We are currently suspending the recruitment process.Thank you for your interest.
KITAOKA will organize Informatics Workshop 2021 as the chairperson of the committee.
2021.11.27 KITAOKA will organize Informatics Workshop 2021 as the chairperson of the committee
They just released a video of the multimodal dialogue agent we co-developed!
2021.3 Autonomous vehicle with multimodal interface developed by our LAB!デモビデオ demonstration YouTube(Japanese)技術紹介 Technologies introduction YouTube (English)