KITAOKA LAB 音声言語処理研究室 豊橋技術科学大学 情報・知能工学系 北岡研 北岡研究室

A face to face meeting was held with the newly assigned students for the year 2024.

8 April 2024, A face to face meeting was held with the newly assigned students for the year 2024.
We welcome 10 new members – D3 Uchiyama, M1 Kozuki, M1 Nagashima, M1 Hou, B4 Mineno, B4 Saito, B4 Odom, B4 Oda, B4 Kumagai and B4 Nam – bringing the total laboratory membership to 24!
I’ll make love to you in a lively year!!

FY 2024
Kitaoka Lab…”WA”