KITAOKA LAB Spoken Language Processing Lab Department of Information and Intelligence Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology


  • At APSIPA 2023, Tatsunari Takagi, Nagito Shione, Keigo Hojo and Koharu Horii presented.

    Oct.31-Nov.3, 2023, At APSIPA2023, Tatsunari Takagi, Nagito Shione, Keigo Hojo and Koharu Horii presented.

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  • M2 Nagito Shione won the Best Paper Award at ICAICTA 2023.

    M2 Nagito Shione won the Best Paper Award at ICAICTA 2023.Congratulations! *PresentationAutomatic Speech Recognition Using Linguistic and Verbal/Non-verbal Information

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  • M2 Ryo Maejima received the FIT Encouragement Award at the 22nd Forum on Information Science and Technology (FIT2023).

    M2 Ryo Maejima received the FIT Incentive Award at the 22nd Information Processing Society of Japan (FIT2023).Congratulations! FIT Incentive Award – Information Processing Society of Japan *PresentationBuilding an automatic medical electronic health record item-specific input interface using speech recognition *on Break

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  • Tatsunari Takagi, Takahiro Kinouchi, Nagito Shione and Ryo Maejima presented at ICAICTA 2023.

    Tatsunari Takagi, Takahiro Kinouchi, Nagito Shione and Ryo Maejima presented at ICAICTA 2023.

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  • Ryo Maejima, Sota Hosoi, Tatsunari Takagi, Takahiro Kinouchi and Nagito Shione won the Excellence Award and the Company Award at the Aichi Prefecture Inter-university Hackathon “Hack Aich+2023”.

    Five M2 students participated in the hackathon “Hack Aich+2023” and won the Excellence Award and the Company Award for “Tarako: an information visualisation tool for organisations with a lot of individual work”.(From left to right: Director and Secretary General Nakanishi, Takahiro Kinouchi, Nagito Shione, President Terashima, Sota Hosoi, Tatsunari Takagi and Ryo Maejima.) The news…

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