Three Themes To Be Implemented
By Smart Hospital
Research On AI Automated Medical Interview And Charting Support Systems Using Voice Input
Research director: Prof Norihide Kitaoka, Specially Appointed Professor Hitoshi Isahara

Research On AI-Assisted Cardiovascular Imaging Systems
Research: Specially Appointed Professor Masaki Aono, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Tetsuya Asakawa

Research And Studies For The Realisation Of Smart Hospitals
Research officer: Associate professor Ren Omura

Development of an immunisation support system for new coronavirus vaccines.

Toyohashi University of Technology develops support system for rapid vaccination.(2021.10.9. Higashi-Aichi Newspaper)
Preliminary medical examination forms are entered online and QR codes are presented at the reception desk… A non-contact vaccination support system for mass vaccination has been developed by universities and other institutions.(2021.10.8. Tokai TV)